Nodejs vs Golang - Which one to choose for your project?

Updated on 16 May 238 Min read

Nodejs vs Golang

We all know that choosing the ideal tech stack for an upcoming project is difficult for businesses and engineers. While choosing modern programming languages, web and mobile developers have various alternatives today. That’s not just for front-end developers but also for back-end developers.

When it comes to web development, we have found Golang and Node.js development as two of the most popular options. But the big question we should ask is “Which to use - Nodejs vs Golang?”

Now that we have said it, why don't we compare both of these languages in detail? Let’s draw a Golang vs Nodejs Comparison in detail and pick the best. But before, let’s get to a quick introduction.

Nodejs vs Golang - A Brief Introduction

We are already familiar with Golang (often referred to as "Go") and Node JS. So, let’s dive into an introduction to Nodejs vs Golang.

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment based on JavaScript that was developed by Ryan Dahl and released for the first time in 2009. The V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome served as the foundation for Dahl's cross-platform runtime environment.

Since Node.js is based on JavaScript, it is typed as we might anticipate. This runtime environment makes it possible to construct a web application using just one programming language. As of now, Node.js is utilized by at least 30 million websites. Furthermore, it is regarded as one of the six programming and markup languages that are used most frequently.

In contrast, Go is a programming language created by Google software engineers. This open-source programming language was created by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson and was released in 2009. Today, we find Go to be used by 1.1 million developers.

It is a flexible language that can be used for various purposes. But to be more precise, we can use Go whenever we want to create a highly modular application system that is also quick and secure.

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Now that we have introduced ourselves to the languages, let’s get to the Go vs Node comparison.

Node.js vs Golang for Backend - A Comparison

What distinguishes Go (Golang) from Node.js as the superior next-gen website app development language? Let us compare Node.js vs Golang for the backend for analyzing both platforms and find a solution for this query.

1. Node.js vs Golang- Performance

The distinction between Node.js & Go stands out when it comes toNode.js vs Golang performance.

Golang's memory management and speed are two of its massive features. With its inbuilt go routines & memory system features like garbage collectors, Golang applications sustain a robust yet simple structure. Golang has a fast startup and compiles time because it is pre-defined to machine code.

On the contrary, JavaScript takes longer to execute since it's been typed & interpreted. Node.js also has its advantages. It took inspiration from JavaScript's non-blocking & asynchronous model, which lets small side tasks run without collaborating with the main thread.

Given that it supports 1 thread, this is a crucial feature. Because of this, Node JS seems to be a multi-threaded model though it only does it simultaneously.

2. Node.js vs Golang - Website Development

The domain of Node JS vs Golang stake out their positions. Node JS has been developed to give a setting where JavaScript can build front-end & back-end website servers in one location, with an event-based framework, microservices architecture, and massive reusability.

However, we can find issues with Node JS when dealing with heavy processing loads. Extensive searches can still use up the CPU and slow down processing time, despite the improvements Node JS has made to its standalone nature.

Contrarily, Golang was created for massive connection servers and intricate calculations that Node JS cannot handle. Additionally, as it is concurrent, we can build more corporate applications effectively because it doesn't need to compromise on executing several processes concurrently.

Based on this, we can say that the best language for extensive back-end website development is Golang. It offers higher adaptability and dependability while creating website servers. However, Node.js might be a better option if we are building small assignments or creating front-end program code bundles.


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3. Node.js vs Golang - Scalability

As we have said, Node.js is single-threaded, which means that each command is carried out one at a time. And this might be its fatal flaw for large applications that demand sheer size and a large no. of concurrent processes. Even though they aren't practical, event callbacks in JavaScript offer some concurrency.

On the opposite spectrum, Golang's coroutines ("goroutines") make it better suited for scaling. Goroutines enable the concurrent operation of several threads. It makes things possible to accomplish parallel tasks promptly. Therefore, Go wins this round of the competition of Golang vs Node.js- scalability.

4. Node.js vs Golang - Error Handling

Golang requires immense error checks throughout the regular operation & returns error codes later for error handling. Though initially, we may find this approach problematic, it guarantees more consistency and dependability in the long run.

The throw-or-catch approach used by Node.js ensures that errors are caught when they happen. This approach represents error management techniques well-known to programmers. So Node JS dominates in familiarity & usability.

5. Node.js vs Golang - Development Tools

Our development process is upscaled by the availability of ready-to-use tools. NPM gives NodeJS developers access to more than 836,000 open-source libraries and tools. While there is no lack of Node JS tools, we can find it challenging to choose the best ones.

Golang does not have a wide selection of tools, but it does have a robust standard library. Tools for Golang are typically limited. Each of these, however, was created to make Golang programming simpler.

For instance: Golang Vet filters out suspicious and uncommon constructs Golang Test helps developers to conduct a good series of tests on the code. Thus, in the Go vs Node comparison - Node wins.

6. Node.js vs Golang - Community

Both Golang and Node JS are open-source, and their respective communities are actively working to advance both programming languages.

The Node JS foundation is supported by companies like Intel, IBM, Paypal, Microsoft, and Godaddy. Node JS got 82.1k ratings on GitHub as of right now. On the other hand, the Golang community is new and small. But every year, it grows more and more.

7. Node.js vs Golang - Learning Curve

Because JavaScript is already widely used, NodeJS has a lower learning curve than Golang, which has a higher learning curve. It means we can learn Node with ease. In contrast to Node.js, however, Go is a less well-known programming language. Therefore, Golang often has a steep learning curve for us.

8. Node.js vs Golang: Salary

PayScale estimates that Go engineers make $117,394 annually and Node.js developers make $91,198 annually in the US.

We can explain those discrepancies using some factors. The first is that Go is a complete programming language, whereas Node.js is an environment used by JavaScript developers, who often only make $84,219 per year on average.

Second, whereas Golang is undeveloped, the JavaScript market is completely saturated with programmers. While JavaScript remains the most sought-after language, we can find Golang more in demand.


Node.js vs Golang - The Verdict

After a Golang Vs Node JS comparison from various perspectives, it is still difficult for us to choose one tool over the other. Both are better than each other while falling short in some areas. Go provides crucial computing power, while Node.js handles many asynchronous requests smoothly.

Therefore, before deciding, we must consider the project's size, structure, and the kind of development method that best satisfies our company's objectives. Both Go and Node.js deliver significant value to our skill set and allow us to advance professionally and scale our business.

However, in the end, we should remember that such great outcomes can only be achieved by a skilled Node JS developer or a Golang developer, regardless of the back-end tool we use.

Choosing SoluteLabs for your Node.js development services ensures that you're partnering with a team dedicated to delivering top-tier, innovative solutions. Our expertise in Node.js empowers us to build efficient, scalable, and fast applications tailored to your business needs. Let SoluteLabs be the catalyst for your digital transformation journey, and together, we can shape the future of your business.


Stay curious, Questions?

Will Golang replace Node.js?

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In contrast to Golang, which is growing, Node.js has a substantial global market share in the IT industry. Therefore, it is unlikely that Golang will replace Node.js anytime soon.

Can I use Golang for web development?

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Golang is a compiled language. Hence, web applications written in it can run on any platform, including the cloud and any operating system.

Is Node JS faster?

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Node.js can manage simultaneous connections in a non-blocking way when used as a server-side proxy. Besides, it is asynchronous and single-threaded & thus faster.

Is Go more powerful?

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Go is a highly powerful back-end solution because it provides superior computation, raw performance, security, and scalability.