Debunk These 7 in-House Software Development Myths in Order to Grow

Updated on 24 Dec 213 Min read

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There are two ways you can approach software development, i.e., you can either outsource it, or you can have your in-office team do the task.

For many years, there have been several myths and misconceptions about in-house development that hinder a company’s growth. These myths can put unnecessary costs upon a company’s wallet while reducing productivity and slowing down important tasks.

Here’s a brief look at 7 of those myths.

Myth #1: In-house software development is cheaper

Many companies make the mistake of thinking if their in-house team builds a piece of software, it would be cheaper. However, that’s not the case; especially if you don’t have a well-trained team that specializes in producing software in your desired niche.

You’d need to train your team, spend more time & money on their development, perform extensive testing, conduct revisions, and much more. In most cases, it’s cheaper to just outsource your software development and this is one of the main reasons why companies choose outsourcing.

Myth #2: It’s easier to keep track of in-house development

While this may have been true a decade ago, it’s not anymore. While you might feel you can keep track of the development easier if it’s happening right inside your office, bear in mind that keeping track of outsourced development is also streamlined today.

Modern outsourced development firms will keep you informed of every phase of the development process, that’s why around 64% of all companies outsource their entire development process!

Myth #3: You can be more productive with in-house software development

Many companies believe if their in-house team develops a piece of software, the leadership can keep a closer eye on the development that would result in increased productivity. However, that’s not the case anymore.

Modern outsourced and remote development teams have all the resources they need to keep you informed on every aspect of the development. Updated collaboration systems keep you on the informative side of everything.Especially in cases when the skills needed are non-core, outsourcing might be more productive.

Myth #4: In-house team can develop faster

While it’s true that outsourced development firms might put you in a queue, they can still deliver your software system faster than if your in-house team builds it. They are experienced in producing quality software pieces on time; that’s what they do.

On the other hand, taking on a challenging development project would be something new for your in-house team. You may find yourself stuck in unexpected delays which can slow down the entire process.

Myth #5: Only in-house development teams are accountable

Leadership might believe that it’s easier to keep them accountable if their in-house team makes a mistake during the development process. Managers may think if an outsourced remote team doesn’t produce the right results, it’s harder to keep them accountable. However, that’s not how it works.

Outsourced teams are fully responsible for their work. If they fail to deliver a product on time, or if the quality undermines the documentation, you can take strict actions based on your contract.

Myth #6: In-house teams are more qualified for development in your industry

While it’s true that your in-house team has a deep understanding of your industry and business model, it doesn’t mean they can produce better quality software.

Qualified outsourced development teams have experience working in several industries and business types. They’re very likely to have worked on a similar project as yours.

Myth #7: Your work is done after the development is over

If your team has completed the development of your project, you have only taken the first step of the process. There are several other tasks to complete; for example, you need to market your newly-developed product so it reaches the right audience.

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In-house vs outsourced development is a hot debate on the internet today. While both have their pros and cons, there have been many myths about them, lately.

This article provides a brief insight into some of the common myths associated with in-house development.