Healthy Saturdays @SoluteLabs

Updated on 29 Apr 163 min read

Healthy Saturdays @SoluteLabs

We decided to organize a fun activity on Saturdays at my company and while a simple jog followed by a cricket game reminded me of my school days, I suddenly felt how that one game changed a lot in my perception of my company culture.


I have always been an open and avid advocator of openness from the inception of SoluteLabs, I understood how liberating can it be to express one’s feelings. When we started off with a handful of people, we had a mostly flat hierarchy, but as we grew from 5 people in 5 months to 30 people in 18 months — we had to maintain some protocol. With protocol comes structure; while it was a little difficult for people to adjust at first, it had to be done. It was amazing to see everything come to one level playing field after a long time.



We were always of the opinion that “more experience = more talent” but time has taught us otherwise. it is so warming to see young talent budding while the seniors guide them. Even in work, the zeal with which the young chaps work is commendable I feel. During the course we met and worked with different people, some are talented but never show otherwise, some have talent but no sense of responsibility; some are responsible but always manage to slip on deadlines; and some give off that impression of being expert coders while they’re actually below average. It has been a tough challenge to have such a team working with us!


A company without a leader is like a body without a head, every team whether on a cricket ground or in an organization should have a strong leader. Otherwise, a whole lot of effort is spent on unproductive, repetitive, and unnecessary tasks — a bad leader can send any project into an endless spiral and a good one can lift the whole team towards victory.

Solute Family going Commando

Team Work

As wars are not fought with only generals, so are projects or cricket matches never finished or won without a proper team effort. A strong team helps individuals rise above their individual contributions, thus producing a greater output in the end. It’s so overwhelming to have such a great team to work with, Experienced and newbies alike. A perfect team never consists of only A-players, it is the mix of the crowd and the diversity that actually improves with each addition to the team. We have people from different states working together to contribute and reach a common goal.

Luck favours the brave


I never was a firm believer in luck, but it does have its way sometimes. While there is no alternative to hard work, it is always great to have a bit of luck on our side. One bug resolved fortunately during a sleep or one person joined at the right time to help out on a project — Luck has its part to play everywhere: on the field or in the conference room!😁

About SoluteLabs

We are a bunch of passionate technocrats who love building products and applications that we take pride in. Our mobile and web applications have been downloaded and used by millions and we’re here to change the internet: One piece at a time!


Karan Shah


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