Has your Workplace Built a Strong Virtual Work Culture?

Updated on 12 Nov 212 Min read

Remote Work Culture

Remote work isn’t new, but it’s now spreading on a large scale. Some may start returning to figure out full-time or hybrid capacity, the trend towards remote work will remain forever. As more companies and employees embrace remote work, leaders and directors will got to re-learn and re-think a number of the old ways of doing things.

A recent LinkedIn poll by CDW Corporation that revealed almost half of the respondents i.e 49 % feel more productive working from home whereas 36% of the respondents opted for hybrid working and only 9% prefer to work from the office.

From the above poll team collaboration and meetings to performance management and schedules, remote work is transforming how, when, and where we work.

Today, I am sharing some of our best tips and ideas for how to build a strong culture with a hybrid/ remote team.

  • Open and Sharing Culture that Creates Psychological Safety, where everyone feels they can be themselves and where everyone’s voice can be heard & respected.
  • Informal Conversations are important to build connectivity. Our Middle Managers are proactive and always try to make the team members feel not lost.
  • Upskilling their CQ through various training, clubs, and communities. We organize the sessions on soft skills, communication skills, etc, that help the newbies to cope up with the chaos and complexities of hybrid/remote work culture.
  • We follow Agile & Shared Leadership, where team members are involved in the decision making & planning, which in return creates a sense of ownership in them.
  • Instead of micro-management, we believe in Employee Autonomy & Trust that encourages self-direction & coaching.
  • Investing in the right tools that are the right fit for the job- like Slack, Google Meet, zoom, etc along with that offer employees personal and career development.
  • We schedule a Monthly Call which is totally an informal meeting. The agenda is to keep the employees updated with the ongoing things in the company, a platform to introduce new joinees and we keep it an open forum where any team member can share their experiences or suggestions, etc. We also encourage everyone to keep their videos “on’’ as we like to see each other more often 😊

Since our hybrid teams are driven by values and mission, they have a clear purpose and expectations to stay curious and motivated. A good Hybrid model can be effective only when you have platforms and avenues to know your colleagues beyond work, and a monthly “BIG PICTURE’ to connect them with the larger ‘PURPOSE. We think that the Hybrid model will be the new norm, where the managers need to think and experiment with the various methods which help the employees stay connected and productive.

What are your thoughts on this??