BlogWeb Development

Web Development

11 Design blunders to avoid hurting your website

11 Design blunders to avoid hurting your website

Common mistakes web designers make and steps you can take to avoid them.
Prakash Donga
Prakash Donga
9 March, 20175 min read
6 things to keep in mind for a fast website

6 things to keep in mind for a fast website

I’ve always been obsessed about fast websites and there is something that makes me cringe when I see a slow one, so I decided to write…
Karan Shah
Karan Shah
7 March, 20173 Min read
How I handled forms with static website

How I handled forms with static website

Different approaches to capture data from a form on a static website.
Parth Modi
Parth Modi
25 October, 20163 min read
Ruby on Rails Rendering JSON Response for Rails API

Ruby on Rails Rendering JSON Response for Rails API

Ruby on Rails returns rendering JSON Response for Rails API to exchange data between servers & clients among developers. Learn how to render JSON rails.
Parth Modi
Parth Modi
25 October, 20162 min read